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In Ramadan, whilst we refrain from food and water during the day, we avoid dehydration by replenishing our fluid at night. This is a luxury that many poor families don’t have and as a result, struggle from the symptoms of dehydration.

Water is a blessing that is often taken for granted, which the human body cannot survive without. A lack of clean, safe drinking water can lead to many problems with the human body and its functions. Unclean water can cause such symptoms as dizziness, stomach ulcers and even death.

It is important that we recognise the importance of clean water and show gratitude that we have access to an endless supply of water. We need this for our bodies to function and allow us to perform ablutions to carry out our daily prayers.

Some of the symptoms of dehydration are:

  • Increased fatigue and severe lethargy, leaving you with a lack of physical energy and serious headaches along with dizziness, resulting in instability and, in some cases, even unconsciousness.
  • Reduce signals to the brain, which, ultimately, can lead to the shrinking of the brain itself.
  • Constipation can trigger numerous other health issues within the human body.
  • An influx of acidity within the stomach results in stomach ulcers.
  • Poor blood circulation can reduce blood flow in the arteries and veins. Your body can end up producing more cholesterol which has its own issues.
  • Other health issues include high or low blood pressure, heart palpitations, irregular heart rhythm, increased toxins in the body, joint pain due to a lack of lubrication in the joints and nausea.

Stay Hydrated This Ramadan

Here are a few tips for the month of Ramadan to ensure you keep hydrated and healthy:

  • Avoid fizzy drinks, sugary juices, and caffeine. They slow down the digestion process and do absolutely nothing to reduce the toxins in the system. Drink water in Ramadan to break your fast rather than alternative liquids.
  • In warm weather, try to stay indoors wherever possible, as being in direct sunlight causes sweat, which, in turn, causes loss of body fluid.
  • Avoid spicy meals at Iftar during Ramadan; this can majorly increase thirst. Also, adding excess salt to your food can contribute to your thirst levels.
  • Fresh fruit contains a lot of water; stick to fresh vegetables as opposed to the tinned variety, which is mainly stripped of all its nutritious qualities.
  • During Suhur and Iftar, ensure you have small, nutritious meals rich in fibre and nutrients with a glass of water. Don’t forget that dates are incredible for sustaining the body during the fasting period and carry uncountable health benefits.

Taking these simple steps will allow us to stay healthy and hydrated in Ramadan, allowing us to focus on our worship activities and make the most of this blessed month. Join us to extend this opportunity to poor communities that lack access to safe and clean drinking water in Ramadan. During Ramadan, drinking water is more essential than ever – provide a family with Ramadan water today.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 

“And whoever gave (in Ramadan) to a fasting person water to drink, Allah shall grant that giver a drink from my fountain, such a drink where that person shall never again feel thirsty until he enters Paradise". [Ibn Khuzaimah}

Donate a water well to a poor community and benefit from the rewards of Ramadan and from the long-term reward of Sadaqah Jariyah, whereby you give today and gain the reward for many years every time a poor person drinks the water, serves the water, performs worship after using the water for ablution. Just imagine the rewards you can gain.

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