Fighting Hunger

Too many people throughout the world do not have the food that they need to sustain themselves this Ramadan.

Too many people throughout the world do not have
the food 
that they need to sustain themselves.

Every minute of each day, many children die as a result of malnutrition

Many millions more live with illnesses brought on by a lifetime of malnourishment; simply not having the food that they need to live and grow. As well as children, adults face the same anguish of not knowing where their next meal is coming from. ILM UK helps to provide a generous and plentiful supply of food aid throughout our operating areas to children suffering from the most severe malnutrition.

Our aim is to give them the resources they need to grow and develop into healthy and happy children, free of preventable health issues caused by lacking access to the most basic of resources.

We supply food parcels

ILM UK’s food packs usually include staple foods and basic necessities like wheat grain, rice, pulses, oil and sugar. The contents of each pack will vary according to the region as well as the context in which they are being distributed. Food packs are also provided in times of emergency, during a conflict or following a natural disaster. They are a lifeline for families who have been misplaced or have little to get by on. Our food packs are chosen for one purpose...because they literally save lives.

We distribute food seasonally

Our work to feed the poor and vulnerable continues throughout the year, but seasonally, we’re able to boost our efforts. During the month of Ramadan, we provide food parcels, warm meals and bottled water for fasting Muslims.

To help us continue our efforts in feeding the hungry all year round, we need your help. Please donate to our appeal and help hungry children receive the nourishment they so desperately need.

How many mouths will you feed?


Could feed one family for a month  


Could feed two families for a month 


Could feed five families for a month 

100% Zakat Policy

What you give is what those who need it get - 100% of your Zakat