Gaza is Under Siege!

The People of Gaza Need Your Support Now...

The people of Palestine are facing an urgent humanitarian crisis, with children, women and entire families being killed. The death toll has now surpassed 1500 and is escalating by the hour – Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illahi Rajioon. Gaza is now under complete siege with electricity, water, food and medical supplies all seized. Air strikes continue to target homes, mosques and hospitals. The death toll is rising by the hour as the world anticipates the number of fatalities.

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What We Are Doing?

We are working with our partners on the ground to supply essential aid to survivors of this deadly ordeal. Your donations can help provide water, food and medical aid and with all supplies cut off, the people of Palestine are relying on us now more than ever. Your support is crucial in helping us save lives. Stand with us in solidarity with Palestine and help us help our brothers and sisters in their time of need.

Over the past weeks, innocent civilians have come under attack, with hospitals becoming overwhelmed. So far, the death toll stands at over 1500 Palestinians and over 250,000 people have been displaced. ILM UK teams are safe and on the ground assisting those most in need by providing food packs, bedding, hot meals and emergency aid packs.

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